Posts tagged Peace building
Shiga, M. (2011) Peacebuilding in Southern Thailand: The Developmental Contribution of the Asia Foundation's Deliberative Dialogue Program

 Currently, many international aid agencies seek to contritbute to development and peacebuilding in Southern Thailand, yet recent investigation suggests that there are still many shortcomings in the realization of meaningful contributions to peacebuilding. Although development agencies and organizations through their work have the potential to contribute to and support peace work, the reality is that developmental contributions to situations of conflict are not always nor are necessarily positive ones. In considering the developmental contributions to peacebuilding in Southern Thailand, a range of development actors and outcomes are noted, highlighting the political nature of development.

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O-In, A. (2012) Partnership of International Funding Agencies and Civil Society Organizations in Peace Building Process in the Southern Border Provinces of Thailand

In an ongoing conflict area, the contribution of partnership between International Funding Agencies (IFAs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on the entire peace building process is asserted. This study argues that IFAs' funding scheme which encourages strategic cooperation and networking between local peace actors at the vertical and horizontal levels will contribute to the development of peace constituencies. The strengthened network is to constitute a meaningful political space for grass root and middle-range leadership in multi-track peace building.

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