Nguma, M. (2017) The Challenges and Livelihood Strategies of Pakistan's Urban Women Refugees in Bangkok, Thailand
Title: The Challenges and Livelihood Strategies of Pakistan's Urban Women Refugees in Bangkok, Thailand
Author: Margaret Mbeyu Nguma
Year: 2017
Keywords: Urban Refugee, Asylum Seeker, Human Rights, Livelihood
Abstract: Despite the fact that Thailand is a non-signatory of the 1951Refugee Convention relating to the Status of Refugee and its 1967 protocol, it has become a home to many and still provides basic protection for many refugees and those who seek asylum. In principle with lack of some legal framework that recognizes and provides documents for asylum seekers and refugees, these subjects are treated as illegal migrants under the Thai Law article 12 of Immigration act. The focus of the study is to understand and examine the challenges and the livelihood strategies faced by Pakistan urban women refugees on access to health and education on their children and how they cope with it in the absence of assistance in order to survive, and the given role played by international organization, local organization and religious institutions in helping provide assistance to women refugees. Through in-depth interviews of open ended questions and non-participant methodology, provided the account of their experience in accessing there social services. This research examines a broad view of the available literature on insecurity, women urban refugees and asylum seekers’ access to health services as well as education for their children, in order to form the development of policy work and further research in this area. The study found that the difficulty with access to health situations and conditions faced by refugees and asylum-seekers awareness was vital; as well as understand the ways in which these refugees and Asylum Seekers provide for and protected themselves and their families in this hostile precarious environment. In addition, the study found that urban refugees had little access to education for their children. The study gave avenues for a better understanding of the ways in which refugees and asylum-seekers develop their strengths and agency to contend with traumatic events and daily challenges to better support and strengthen these coping mechanisms The significance of this paper is to help improve and make a difference in the lives of women urban refugees through coping strategies with access to education and health, finding alternative for assisting and providing them with sustainable opportunities.
Full thesis available here.